Children and Families

Learn about our vibrant ministry to children and families.

ChurchKids, our Sunday school program for children happens on Sunday mornings during the Eucharist services at both 8 am and 10 am.

Who We Are:

Though they may be little, children have a big place in our hearts at St. Cuthbert’s. Our aim at St. Cuthbert’s ChurchKids is to create a welcoming atmosphere for children and journey with them as they discover Jesus and share Jesus with the world, while having a great time and building life-long friendships. We want your child’s formative years to include Christ, the biblical truth and a sense of belonging to the body of Christ’s church. We are delighted by the opportunity to come alongside your family as your child journeys in Christ.

We are always happy to welcome new faces!

What We Do

Sunday School

Our Sunday school program involves large-group and small-group settings. We typically begin each Sunday with a large-group gathering at our ChurchKids hall, known as the Promised Land, for prayer, welcome, and worship.  We afterwards divide into our small-groups for lesson and application of the lesson through Bible-based video, Bible reading, interactive lesson, creative crafts and movement games. The children later join the rest of the congregation for communion.


We sometimes get to interrupt our regular routine to prepare for upcoming fun activities such as pageants and presentations!  During festive occasions like Christmas and Palm Sunday, the children dress up in exciting costumes and present the familiar biblical narration to the congregation through music, drama and story-telling.

Family Service

Our quarterly Family Service is an important part of our ministry at St. Cuthbert’s. Children and adults get to fellowship together at Lamb Hall and the service involves kids-friendly message, music, readings and activities. ChurchKids are involved in all aspects of the Service including welcoming friends, reading Scripture, serving and presenting the sermon.

We have other line-up of exciting family events throughout the year, most notably our Advent Family Adventure, Community Potluck Dinner, Christmas Fair, Spring Fair and Creation Care Festival.

Register for our children’s and youth programs on our registration form.